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Huang Yu, Kang T.H.-K. "Modeling of Sliding Behavior of Unbonded Tendons in Post-Tensioned Concrete Members", ACI Structural Journal; Vol. 115, No. 4, July 2018, pp. 1153-1164

Sunghwa Han, P.E., S.E., LEED AP "Design of Structurally Linked Multiple Tower Structures" STRUCTURE Magazine, September 2015, p46-49

Songtao Liao, Benjamin Pimentel, Danny Jadeja, and Sunghwa Han, “Accommodation to Reinforced Concrete High-Rise Building Deformations and Movements”, STRUCTURE Magazine, April 2014,pg16-18.

Han Sunghwa, Klein Gabe and Grossman J., “Cost-Effective Solution: Controlling Perception of Wind-induced Motion in Slender Buildings”, STRUCTURE Magazine, June 2012, p30-33.

Shin M., Kang T. H.-K and Pimentel Benjamin. “Toward Optimal Design of High-rise Building Tube Systems”, Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings V.21: June 2012, pp 447–464, DOI: 10.1002/tal.615

Shin M., Kang T.H.-K, LaFave J.M. and Grossman J. “Design and Behavior of a Reinforced Concrete High-rise Tube Building with Belt Walls” Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings DOI: 10.1002/tal.661 (in press)

Shin M., Kang T.H.K. and Grossman J., “Practical Modeling of High Rise Dual Systems, With Reinforced Concrete Slab—Columns Frames,” Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings, V.19 No.7, 2010, pp 728-749

Songtao Liao, Gabriel Klein, Yevegny Mikhlin and Jacob Grossman “Vertical Structural Deformation”, (Estimation and Control for a Deformation Sensitive Building) Museum of African Art, Structure Magazine, Sept 2010 pp 34-36.

Shin M, Pimentel Benjamin and Grossman Jacob S., “Practical Finite Element Analysis” Concrete International; October 2008, Vol. 30, No. 10, pp. 71-76

Grossman Jacob S., Technical Committee Member, Structural/Foundation, 2008 New York City Building Code, 1st printing, July 2008

SEAONY Inspection Team Members; Rosenwasser / Grossman (Jacob Grossman, Dan Jadeja, Omri Semadar) “World Trade Center Emergency Damage Assessment of Buildings” Strucutral Engineers Association of New York Inspections of September and October 2001 – Guy Nordenson and Associates, LZA Technology / Thornton-Tomasetti, Editors.

Jacob Grossman; Case Studies Project Committee, An assessment of the NEHRP Guidelines for the Seismic Rehabilitation of Buildings; FEMA 343, September 1999.

Jacob Grossman, participant, Applied Technology Council, NEHRP Guidelines for the Seismic Rehabilitation of Buildings, FEMA-274 / October 1997.

Jacob Grossman, participant, Applied Technology Council, NEHRP Guidelines for the Seismic Rehabilitation of Buildings, FEMA-273 / October 1997.

Grossman Jacob S., "Verification of Proposed Design Methodologies for Effective Width of Slabs in Slab-Column Frames," ACI Structural Journal Proceedings, Vol. 94, No. 2, March/April 1997, pp. 181-196 (plus appendices)

Rosenwasser – Grossman/Pantelides, “Northridge Earthquake Case Study” Subcontractor for Building Seismic Safety Council, prepared by Applied Technology Council (ATC-33-1 Project), 1996

Grossman Jacob S., Member “The New York City Seismic Code: Local Law 17/95”

Rosenwasser / Grossman Consulting Engineers, P.C., contributing participant, “Structural Systems for Tall Buildings” Council on Tall Building and Urban Habitat, ISBN 0-07-012541-4, McGraw Hill Publication, 1995, [Metropolitan Tower, pg. 111; CitySpire, pg. 145; 780 Third Avenue, pg. 271; Carnegie Hall Tower, pg. 293; and references pg. 405]

Grossman Jacob S., “How To Meet The Proposed NYC Seismic Requirements” New York Construction News, October 31, 1994 pg. 15

Grossman Jacob S., Private Sector Peer Review Panel Member; “Standards of Seismic Safety for Existing Federally Owned or Leased Buildings”

Grossman Jacob S., “What Do Code Changes Mean to the Construction Industry?” New York Construction News; November 29, 1993 pg 5-6

Gavin, Yuan, Grossman, Pekelis, Jacob, "Low-Level Dynamic Characteristics of Four Tall Flat-Plate Buildings in New York City," Technical Report NCEER-92-0034, December 28, 1992

Grossman Jacob S., Committee Member; ACI 435 “State-of-the-Art Report on Control of Two-Way Slab Deflections,” ACI Structural Journal/Vol. 88 No. 4 July-August 1991, pp. 501-514

Shypula Ava and Grossman Jacob S., "A Case Study of a Mockup Slab, Cylinder vs. Core Strength," Concrete International, Vol. 12, No. 2, Feb. 1990, pp. 55-61 [see pg 4 for present usage of this research]

Grossman Jacob S., "Slender Concrete Structures - The New Edge," ACI Structural Journal, Vol. 87, No. 1, January-February 1990, pp. 39-52 (ACI 318-95, Code Ref. 10.26) [see photos pp. 7-12]

Grossman Jacob S., "Slender Structures - The New Edge (II)," Proceedings, International Conference on Tall Buildings and City Development, Brisbane, Australia, Oct. 1989, pp. 93-99

Grossman Jacob S., “Code Procedures”, History and Shortcomings, Column-Slab Connections," Concrete International, Vol. 11, No. 9, Sept. 1989, pp. 73-77 (ACI 318-95, Code Ref. 13-13)

Grossman Jacob S., Committee Member; ACI-ASCE 442 “Response of Concrete Buildings to Lateral Forces,” ACI 442 R-88

Grossman Jacob S., Discussion of Paper by Cano and Klingler “Comparison of Analysis Procedures for Two-Way Slabs”—[Published in ACI Structural Journal/Nov-Dec. 1988]—Disc. ACI Structural Journal/Sept-Oct 1989 pgs 624-626

Grossman Jacob S., Committee Member; Disc “Proposed revisions to ACI 318-83 (revised 1986)” ACI Structural Journal/May-June 1989 pp. 331-332 and Committee reply pg 350

Grossman Jacob S., "Design and Construction of Highrise Concrete Structures, Eastern U.S.A.," International Conference on Highrise Buildings Proceedings II, Nanjing, China, March 25-27, 1989, pp. 661-666

Grossman Jacob S., "Reinforced Concrete Design," Building Structural Design Handbook, R.N. White and C.G. Salmon, Editors, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1987 chapter 22, pp. 699-786 (ACI 318-95 Code Ref. 10-27)

Grossman Jacob S., Cruvellier Mark R.; and Stafford-Smith Bryan, "Behavior, Analysis, and Construction of a Braced-Tube Concrete Structure,” Concrete International: Design & Construction, Vol. 8, No. 9, September 1986, pp. 32-42 [see photo pg. 10]

Grossman Jacob S., “Two-Day Construction Cycle for High-Rise Structures Based on Use of Preshores," Concrete Construction, Vol. 31, No. 3, March 1986, pp. 307-311

Grossman Jacob S., "780 Third Avenue: The “First High-Rise Diagonally Braced Concrete Structure,” Concrete International: Design & Construction, Vol. 7, No. 2, Feb. 1985, pp. 53-56 [see photo pg. 10]

“Deflection Computations,” ACI Journal, Proceedings, 78, Nov-Dec. 1981, pp. 423-439. Discussion; 79, Sept-Oct. 1982, 413-419

Grossman Jacob S., "Simplified Computations for Effective Moment of Inertia Ie and Minimum Thickness to Avoid

Grossman Jacob S., "Composite Design Cuts Costs," Modern Steel Construction, Vol. IX, No. 4, Fourth Quarter 1969, pp. 12-15 (with ERRATA in next printing) [see photo pg. 24]

Grossman Jacob S., Member (1962-1984) ACI Committee 340. From its inception in 1962, Issuing the First Interim Report in 1964, “Ultimate Strength Design of Reinforced Concrete Columns” ACI Publication SP-7; and through subsequent 6 handbook publications: “Ultimate Strength Design Handbook” Vol. 1, ACI Publication SP-17, 1st ed., 1st printing, 1967; “Ultimate Strength Design Handbook” Vol. 2, columns; ACI Publication SP-17A, 1970; “Design Handbook in Accordance with the Strength Design Method of ACI 318-71” Vol. 1, 2nd ed., ACI Publication SP-17 1973; “Slab Design in Accordance with ACI 318-77,” ACI Publication SP-17, 1st printing September 1973(S); “Design Handbook in Accordance with the Strength Design Method of ACI 318-77 Vol. 1 – Beams, Slabs, Brackets, Footings and Pile Caps,” ACI Publication SP-17, 1981; and ACI 340.1R-84 “Design Handbook, Vol. 1” in Accordance with the Strength Design Method of ACI 318-83, ACI Publication SP-17 1984



595 Dean Street is a mix-used, multi-tower new building situated in Brooklyn, NY that totals nearly 1,000,000 square feet of reinforced cast-in-place concrete construction. The site consists of two seemingly separated towers, a massive, framed plaza area that surrounds and links the towers at the first floor (ground level), and three subgrade levels below. The 24-story and 29-story West & East residential towers are supported by a 9-story and 10-story podium respectively. The podium roofs provide public amenity terraces which include an outdoor swimming pool. The towers and podiums consist of a blended window wall, punch window, & brick façade. The framed plaza supports a fully landscaped, open public space which includes walkways, greenery, water features, amongst other features. Below the towers and plaza, three subgrade levels have been designed to accommodate a parking garage and a new Chelsea Piers’ locale - housing various amenities including an indoor swimming pool.




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